

5월 24, 2021 - 5월 30, 2021



Title 1:
"Real-time classification of UAVs Using Convolutional Neural Network"
target : IEEE ACCESS

Title 2:
"Convolutional Neural Network for anomaly flying objects Detection "
Target : IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems


0% Progress
Last Week's Progress


title 2:
change the system model to a one that will consider high FPS.
debug my code to find what causes the system to stop and break.


This Week Todo's


title 2:
try to debug my code and trying to figure out the problem with it.


Project Progress

IoT Application for Smart Home, Website Management

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

IoT Application for Smart Home
- Project meeting
- Rechecking and supporting for capstone design class every Tuesday
- Investigating IoT project research note until 21st May 2021

Website Management
- Weekly checking NSL website contents with website manager
- Executing any request from Professors
- Adding updated conferences and journal in biography

This Week's Project

IoT Application for Smart Home
- Project meeting
- Rechecking and supporting for capstone design class every Tuesday
- Giving feedback for the research notes

Website Management
- Weekly checking NSL website contents with website manager
- Executing any request from Professors

Monthly Goals

- Finish online learning course
- Read more related papers
- Explore more programming techniques

Annual Goals

- Participate in local conference: KICS Winter 2021 (Done)
- Participate in international conference: ICTC 2021 (Plan)
- Publish one SCI journal