

5월 24, 2021 - 5월 30, 2021


Mareska Pratiwi Maharani

Title 1: Machine Learning-based Intrusion Detection System in Fog Computing for IIoT (Pr)
Target: IEEE Communication Letter

Title 2: Bearing Fault Detection using Autoencoder-LSTM for Smart Factory (Pr)
Target: IEEE Sensor Letters

Title 3: Activity-aware fault detection in IIoT (Pr)
Target: ICTC 2021

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
- Checking and finalizing

Title 2:
- Grammar checking
- Revised as advices from Professors
- Re-writing figure's explanation part in more details
- Correction for figure's caption
- Adding comparison from existing solution
- Prepare for submission

Title 3:
- Surveyed related papers

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
- Checking and finalizing

Title 2:
- Prepare for submission
- Re-checking after Professors approval
- Submission

Title 3:
- List existing solution from surveyed papers
- Start writing abstract

Project Progress

Anti-Drone, Smart Energy

0% Progress
Last Week's Project


Project 1:
waiting for task

Project 2:
progressing to the team training phase, where now pre-existing algorithms are being tested
proposing a system model by each member to choose the best out of them.

Server management:
fixed the server after it crashed


This Week's Project


Project 1:
waiting for task.

Project 2:
evaluate the proposed systems and compare the results to choose our system


Monthly Goals




Annual Goals


2 SCI Journal
