

5월 31, 2021 - 6월 6, 2021


Title 1 Anomaly Detection of Malicious Energy Usage in Smart Factories using Deep Neural Network
Target: KICS Conference

Title2: Time-Efficient Deep Learning-Based Energy Consumption Prediction for Smart Factory
Target: ETFA 2021 Conference

Title3: Efficient Deep Transfer Learning for Scada Vulnerability and Detection
Target: MILCOM 2021

Title 4: Efficient and Real-Time Energy Consumption Forecasting for Smart Factories using NARX
Target: IEEE Industrial Informatics

Title 5: Reliability Analysis of Vulnerability Detection in SCADA Systems using Machine Learning
Target: IEEE Industrial Informatics

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1: Completed and Submitted

Title 2
1. Completed
2. Plagiarism and grammar check done with 4%
3. Awaiting submission

Title 3
1. Methodology
2. Continued with the survey of related papers
3. Started dataset pre-processing

Title 4
1. Started model training
2. Continue survey of related papers
3. System Methodology

Title 5: 1. Survey of related literature

This Week Todo's

Title 1
Completed and Submitted

Title 2
Prepare for Submission

Title 3
1. Finalize dataset pre-processing
2. Start model training
3. Performance Evaluation

Title 4
1. Finalize dataset pre-processing
2. Start model training
3. Performance Evaluation

Title 5
1. To continue with the survey of related literature
2. Introduction

Project Progress

Smart Grid Energy for Energy Consumption Prediction Using LSTM Model in Industrial Environment

80% Progress
Last Week's Project

Expecting industrial energy dataset
To continue with pre-processing and training of smart factory Energy dataset on the proposed model

This Week's Project

To continue with pre-processing and training of smart factory Energy dataset on the proposed model

Monthly Goals

To conclude and submit Title 2

To conclude Titles 3 and 4

To continue with training on Machine Learning

Annual Goals

To attend at least one NSL approved Domestic Conference

To attend at least one International Conference

To submit at least two International Journals