

6월 7, 2021 - 6월 13, 2021


Title 1: An Ensemble Learning-Based Approach to Position Falsification Detection in Internet of Vehicles (Submitted to KICS)

(i) Paper submitted for KICS (Plagiarism check of 8%)

Title 2: Real-time Detection of Position Falsification in Internet of Vehicles using Machine Learning(ETFA)

(i) Paper completed and submitted to mentor for review, plagiarism check (4%)

(ii) Waiting for corrections from Professor before submitting (Deadline: June 11)

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2:

(i) Review of system model and implement more hyperparameter tuning

(ii) Compile the result and conclusion section

(iii) Submit to mentor for final review and approval

This Week Todo's

Title 1:

(i) Prepare KICS ppt

Title 2

(i) Submit Paper (Deadline: June 11)

(ii) Further Paper Review and study on Internet of Vehicles and security issues

Project Progress

AI-Assisted Thermal array-based High Detection for Smart Home

90% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Brainstorm with team members for paper writing ideas for Journal (IoT group)

2. While waiting for the thermal array sensor to arrive, review sensor, set up and implementation process

This Week's Project

1. Study hardware for the Thermal Sensor project:

Hardwares to be studies

(i) Omron Sensor

(ii) Omron Harness Cable

(iii) Arduino packages and implementation suites

2. Begin setting up the testbed for the dataset collection

3. Review of Literature and ideas on "Facility Monitoring/Big Data & AI- Design for advanced remote control" (New IoT project)

Monthly Goals

1. Complete and Submit my paper for ETFA Paper

2. Fully familiarize with deep and transfer learning algorithms.

3. Brainstorm and Come up with ideas for winter intensive and journal paper

4. Explore, check and study target journals in my research area

Annual Goals

1. Attend at least one Domestic Conference

2. Attend at least one International Conference

3. Submit one International Journal