

6월 7, 2021 - 6월 13, 2021


Paper titles:
Title 1: Deep learning-based 3D printer fault detection
- Submitted to ICUFN

Title 2: An inference time-efficient 3D printer fault detection using CNN
- Submitted to KICS

Title 3: Deep learning-based fault prediction (Not fixed yet)
- Journal Paper

15% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
- Waiting for the result (submission extended)

Title 2:
- Submitted to KICS

Title 3:
- Surveyed related papers

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
- Waiting for the result (June 15)

Title 2:
- Submitted to KICS
- Prepare ppt

Title 3:
- Survey related papers
- Watch online about fault prediction
- Re-simulate fault prediction
- Continue writing

Project Progress

3D Monitoring Project

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Successfully Initiate 5G Module
2. Study-related works
3. Watched online 3D control system

This Week's Project

1. Testing the new 3D Printer with Dani
2. Collect dataset
3. Start writing a report for the capstone

Monthly Goals

1. Search and review related papers
- Python and LabView/MatLab integration
- Controlling the 3D printer
- Machine learning with the 3D printer
- Fault detection and prediction in general
- Raspberry Pi

2. Learn more about machine learning and deep learning with Python
- Study for online tutorials
- Read articles
- Re-simulate what I learn

3. Journal paper
- Search and review related works
- Compare conventional and machine learning methods

Annual Goals

1. Publish two or three conference paper (Domestic and International)
2. Publish at least one international journal