

6월 14, 2021 - 6월 20, 2021


itle 1: Edge AI Prospect using NeuroEdge Computing System: Introducing a Novel Neuromorphic Technology
1. January 16, 2021: Submitted to ICT Express
2. Under review
3. March 28, 2021: In-Revision: deadline is
4. March 27, 2021: Resubmitted
5. April 1, 2021: With Editor:
6. April 3, 2021: Under review
7. April 30, 2021: Reviews now completed
8. May 4, 2021: Paper accepted
9. May 6, 2021: Rights and Access form received from ICT Express
10. May 14, 2021: Rights and Access form completed and returned to ICT Express
11. May 18, 2021: Paper now online (In Press)
12. May 22, 2021: Proofread copy
13. June 12, 2021: Volume and issue number now added.

Title 2: Physical Internet in the ERA of Digital Transformation: Opportunities and Challenges (IEEE - IoT Journal)
1. Co-working with Dr. Hoa

Title 3: Thermal Array Sensor-Based Activity Detection in Smart Spaces using GentleBoost Optimized Classifier
Target: IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computer
1. Introduction and system model
2. Ran all simulations in MATLAB and investigating the results.
3. May 21, 2021: First, complete a 2-page paper for KICS
4. Now, working on more simulations to get a 3-page paper for ICTC 2021 before completing the 8 pages journal version and submitting it on July 28, 2021.

Title 4: Big Data and AI Design for Advanced Remote Control and Facility Monitoring in Smart Factory.
1. June 4, 2021: New IoT Project area
2. June 8, 2021: Submitted the full proposal to professor Lee.

82% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
1. Volume and issue number added on June 08, 2021

Title 2:
1. Suspended until after KICS summer 2021, Title 3 and 4.

Title 3:
1. To read widely to understand what to do and identify research gaps.
2. Watched more videos on Ensemble learning and challenges

Title 4:
1. Converted document to the English version and sent to IoT members for their inputs.
2. Started surveying for existing solutions and ideas
3. To submit the full proposal to Professor Lee and also have an IoT meeting on June 9, 2021.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
1. End of paper

Title 2:
1. Suspended until after KICS summer 2021, Title 3 and 4.

Title 3:
1. To keep reading about Ensemble learning on MATLAB documentation and videos.
2. Watched more videos on Ensemble learning and challenges
3. Enhance the related works section to include more works on ensemble learning.

Title 4:
1. Awaiting decision on acceptance of project or not.

Project Progress

IoT Applications and NSL International conference/Journal section

85% Progress
Last Week's Project

Team Leader
1. Work with Philip and Mentors to guide all newcomers on NSL activities other websites such as research gate.
2. Receive update reports from Mentors for Spring 2021.
3. Continue to receive all progress reports on 2021 Winter Intensive using kakao
4. Help to ensure proper registration for the KICS Summer 2021
5. Receive instructions from Professors and relate to lab members.

Project: IoT Applications for Smart Home (Project Leader)

1. To commence Thermal Array implementation whenever the sensor arrives
2. Come up with a new journal idea from the project
3. Prepare and keep updating the 100-page report for the company by handwriting for a new project on the thermal array.
4. To submit a new project proposal on "Big data and AI-based Advanced Remote Control and Facility monitoring in smart factory.
5. Have meetings with Project team members to write the research note by hand
6. Read to update on how to use ensemble learning for Reliability issues of IIoT
7. Improve the machine learning codes for better accuracy and classification
8. Continuing research on the use of Thermal Array.
9. Carry out several simulations using MATLAB to compare with the Python simulation results.

NSL Activities: International Journals and Conference Section on NSL Website

1. keep sending messages to all Lab members who did not update their sections and personal profile
2. Monitoring status of NSL members on international Conferences/Journals and reported accordingly to team managers
3. Help to ensure accurate data on research gate for members and professor page

Mentoring work
1. Simeon: To ensure he submits his ETFA paper on June 10, 2021, and begins a new paper idea for "summer intensive".
2. Adi: To keep teaching and guiding him. To ensure he begins a new paper idea for the upcoming "Summer intensive"
3. Mark: To ensure he begins a new paper idea for his upcoming "Summer intensive"
4. Goodness: To ensure monitoring and submission of her ETFA 2021 paper. ETFA paper submitted on June 10, 2021.

This Week's Project

Team Leader
1. Keep working with Philip and Mentors to guide all newcomers on NSL activities.
2.Continue to receive all progress reports on 2021 Winter Intensive using kakao
3. Lead members (old and new) to attend KICS Summer 2021
4. Receive instructions from Professors and relate to lab members.

Project: IoT Applications for Smart Home (Project Leader)

1. Completed the semester work on running machine learning on the public dataset
2. Now to start working with the new sensors purchased to collect NSL dataset.
3. Prepare and keep updating the 100-page research note by handwriting.
4. Wait for decision on the new project proposal on "Big data and AI-based Advanced Remote Control and Facility monitoring in smart factory.
5.Read to update on how to use ensemble learning for Reliability issues of IIoT
6. Continuing research on the use of Thermal Array.

NSL Activities: International Journals and Conference Section on NSL Website

1. keep sending messages to all Lab members who did not update their sections and personal profile
2. Monitoring status of NSL members on international Conferences/Journals and reported accordingly to team managers
3. Help to ensure accurate data on research gate for members and professor page

Mentoring work
1. Simeon: To ensure he begins a new paper idea for "summer intensive".
2. Adi: ICT express under review. To ensure he begins a new paper idea for the upcoming "Summer intensive"
3. Mark: ICUFN 2021 under review. To ensure he begins a new paper idea for his upcoming "Summer intensive"
4. Goodness: ETFA 2021 under review. To ensure she begins a new paper idea for his upcoming "Summer intensive"

Monthly Goals

Monthly goals June:
1. Complete and submit at least one journal paper (50%)
2. Continuously working with Mentors to guide and train newcomers.
3. Submit mentee's paper to ETFA 2021 (100%) and ICUFN 2021 (100%).
4. Ensure all NSL members are duly registered for the KICS conference on or before June 10th, 2021 (100%).
5. Ensure all emails on the ICT Express paper is replied to and paper published on or before June 30, 2021(100%)
6. Develop a new project idea for IoT Team using a Thermal-array (60%).
7. Submit the proposal for Big Data and AI design for facility management and advanced control monitoring (100%)
8. Attend the KICS summer conference with newcomers to Jeju Island. (June 16-18, 2021)

Annual Goals

Annual goals
1.Attend or submit at least one International Conference: ICAIIC 2021 (Done), ICOIN 2021 (Done), ETFA 2021 (Done), ICUFN 2021 (Done).
2.Attend or submit to all domestic conferences approved by the NSL: KICS Winter 2021 (Done), JCCI 2021, (done), KICS Summer 2021 (done), KICS Fall 2021 (Processing)
3.Publish or submit at least three International Journal papers/Letters (80% Done)