

6월 14, 2021 - 6월 20, 2021


Title 1 Anomaly Detection of Malicious Energy Usage in Smart Factories using Deep Neural Network
Target: KICS Conference

Title2: Time-Efficient Deep Learning-Based Energy Consumption Prediction for Smart Factory
Target: ETFA 2021 Conference

Title3: Efficient Deep Transfer Learning for Scada Vulnerability and Detection
Target: MILCOM 2021

Title 4: Efficient and Real-Time Energy Consumption Forecasting for Smart Factories using NARX
Target: IEEE Industrial Informatics

Title 5: Reliability Analysis of Vulnerability Detection in SCADA Systems using Machine Learning
Target: IEEE Industrial Informatics

65% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1: Completed and Submitted
Title 2: Completed and Submitted

Title 3: 1. Finalized dataset pre-processing
2. To start model training

Title 4: 1. Finalize dataset pre-processing
2. To continue with model training
3. Performance Evaluation

Title 5: 1. Continued with the survey of related literature

This Week Todo's

Title 1: Awaiting response and preparation to attend the conference
Title 2: Awaiting reviewer’s response/comments

Title 3: 1. To start model training
2. Performance Evaluation

Title 4: 1. To continue with model training
2. Fine-tuning of parameters
3. Performance Evaluation

Title 5: 1. To continue with the survey of related literature
2. To continue with Introduction

Project Progress

Smart Grid Energy for Energy Consumption Prediction Using LSTM Model in Industrial Environment

80% Progress
Last Week's Project

Submitted preliminary report

This Week's Project

To continue the pre-processing of the factory dataset

And continue with the paper writing for the journal submission

Monthly Goals

1. To conclude Titles 3 and 4

3. To continue training on Machine Learning

Annual Goals

1. Attend at least one NSL approved Domestic Conference

2. Attend at least one International Conference

3. Submit at least two International Journals