

6월 28, 2021 - 7월 4, 2021


Title 1: An Ensemble Learning-Based Approach to Position Falsification Detection in Internet of Vehicles (KICS- Summer Conference)

Title 2: Real-time Detection of Position Falsification in Internet of Vehicles using Machine Learning(ETFA)

Title 3: A Deep Learning Detection Framework for Location Authentication in Vehicular Networks (Summer Intensive)

Title 4: Deep Learning-Based In-Vehicle Network Intrusion Detection System for CAN Bus
Target: IEEE Intelligent Transport System

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:

(i) Paper submitted for KICS (Plagiarism check of 8%)

Title 2

(i) Paper completed and submitted

Title 3
(i) Brainstorm Ideas for Summer intensive

(ii) Review of Related Literatures ((Preparation for Summer Intensive)
(a) A Root-based Defense Mechanism Against RPL Blackhole Attacks in Internet of Things Networks
(b) Internet of Vehicles and Autonomous Connected Car - Privacy and Security Issues
(c) Cyber Security Standards and Issues in V2X Communications for Internet of Vehicles

This Week Todo's

Title 1: Submitted for KICS

Title 2: Submitted for ETFA: Awaiting Review Comments (July 7)

Title 3: Established for the "Summer Intensive" title and Brainstorming ideas for road map.

Title 4: Paper Review:
(i) A Survey of Intrusion Detection for In-Vehicle Networks

(ii) Anomaly Detection for Controller Area Networks Using Long Short-Term Memory

(iii) Protecting ECUs and Vehicles Internal Networks

Project Progress

AI-Assisted Thermal array-based High Detection for Smart Home

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

(i) Review related work and researches on how to generate data from different thermal Sensors

(ii) Begin Dataset Collection

(iii) Compile and submit the final project report with my project team member

This Week's Project

(i) Set up testbed and begin dataset collection

(ii) Brainstorm on various scenarios for the dataset collection

Monthly Goals

1. Complete and Submit my paper for ETFA Paper (Done)

2. Fully familiarize with deep and transfer learning algorithms.

3. Brainstorm and come up with ideas for winter intensive and journal paper

4. Explore, check and study target journals in my research area

Annual Goals

1. Attend at least one Domestic Conference

2. Attend at least one International Conference

3. Submit one International Journal