

6월 28, 2021 - 7월 4, 2021


Title 1 Intelligent and Real-Time Smart Card Fraud Detection for Optimized Industrial Decision Process
Target: KICS Conference and SCI Express
Title2: Comprehensive Review of Key Wearable Device Technologies parameters for Innovative Healthcare Delivery B5G Network
Target: Winter Intensive 2021 and SCI Journal
Title 3: Machine Learning Algorithm for Intelligent Prediction for Military Logistics and Planning
Target: IEEE journal
Title4: CNN-Based Drone Detection System for Military Surveillance in Tactical Operations
Target: MILCOM 2021 Conference
Title5: AI-Based Solution for Real-Time Monitoring of COVID-19 Vaccination Compliance in Industrial Environment
Target: ICTC 2021

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-Title1: Expanded paper content through more literature review
-Title2: Corrected blur diagrams to enhance clarity of content and other corrections as identified by my mentor.
-Title4: Modified content for MILCOM 2021, and preprocessed data for robust augmentation and model training.
-Title5: Withdrawn from ETFA and continue with robust model design for ICTC 2021
-To continue with study on computer vision and image processing

This Week Todo's

Title2: To effect corrections on citations and referencing and do more literature survey as indicated by my mentor.
Title4: To perform system modelling and design as well as preprocess more datasets.
Title5: To do more literature survey and system modelling

Project Progress

Implementation and Evaluation of UAV Routing Protocol for Civil and Military

40% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] Implementation and Evaluation of UAV Routing Protocol for Civil and Military
implement routing demon on raspberryPI for UAV proj.
buying the drone components

[2] Priority Project-Hanwha
survey Deep learning paper using sensor data

This Week's Project

[1] Implementation and Evaluation of UAV Routing Protocol for Civil and Military
implement routing demon on raspberryPI for UAV proj.(keep)
buying the drone components

[2] Priority Project-Hanwha
survey Deep learning paper using sensor data

Monthly Goals

- write abstract for journal
- implement simple structure for UAV proj.

Annual Goals

submit at least one international journal