Paper 1: Design of an Enhanced Object Detection Algorithm through Image Scaling
Paper 2: Improving Latency by Simplifying Network to Meet 5G Standard Using OTN Technology
Paper 3: Smart Monitoring for SLA-type 3D Printer using Temporal Convolutional Network
Paper 4: Design of a Fault-Detection System for FDM-type 3D Printer using Temporal Convolutional Network
Paper 5: Design of a 3D-Print Fault Detection System using a Machine Learning Approach to Image Similarity Assessment
Paper 1:
- Created Presentation
Paper 2:
- Discuss with the expert
- Finalizing the paper and fix paper references
Paper 3:
- RRL Research
Paper 4:
- Submitted
Paper 5:
- Draft Proposal
Paper 1:
Paper 2:
- Discuss with the expert
- Finalizing the paper and fix paper references
Paper 3:
- RRL Research
Paper 4:
Paper 5:
- Draft Proposal
3D Printing Monitor
Meet with client
Create App Wireframe
Extended Paper
Finish conversion program
Submit Conference Paper for International Publication
Submit Journal Paper for International Publication [95%]
Finish 3D Printer Project