

7월 5, 2021 - 7월 11, 2021


Title2: Time-Efficient Deep Learning-Based Energy Consumption Prediction for Smart Factory
Target: ETFA 2021 Conference

Title3: Enhanced Vulnerability Detection in Scada Systems using Hyper-Parameter-Tune Machine Learning
Target: ICTC 2021 Conference

Title 4: Scada Networks Vulnerability and Attack Specifics: Reliability and Efficient Detection
Target: IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics

Title 5: Efficient and Real-Time Energy Consumption Forecasting for Smart Factories using NARX
Target: IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2: Still awaiting reviewer’s response/comments

Title 3: 1. Trained model
2. Performance metrics evaluated
3. Conclusion Completed
4. Plagiarism check done with 6% result
5. Awaiting submission to ICTC 2021

Title 4: 1. Fine-tuned paper
2. Plagiarism and English grammar check with 9% result
3. Got professor’s approval for journal submission to IEEE Industrial Informatics
4. Journal Submitted and paper is being checked for proper format and scope.

Title 5: 1. To continue with the survey of related literature
2. To continue with Introduction

This Week Todo's

Title 2: Await reviewer’s response/comments

Title 3: 1. Submission to ICTC 2021
2. Await reviewer’s response

Title 4: 1. Await a response from IEEE Journal of Industrial Informatics

Title 5: 1. To continue with the survey of related literature
2. To continue with Introduction

Project Progress

3D Printing

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

Joined a new project - 3 D Printing

This Week's Project

To get to know about the 3D Printing Project
Start to familiarize with the entire project for an understanding of the requirement

Monthly Goals

To conclude Title 5

To work with existing members of the 3 D printing project for an understanding of the scope and requirement

To start a paper survey based on my understanding of the requirement of the 3 D printing project

Annual Goals

To submit/publish at least 2 international journals

To attend at least 2 NSL approved international conferences

To attend at least 2 NSL approved domestic conferences