Title2: Time-Efficient Deep Learning-Based Energy Consumption Prediction for Smart Factory
Target: ETFA 2021 Conference
Title3: Enhanced Vulnerability Detection in Scada Systems using Hyper-Parameter-Tune Machine Learning
Target: ICTC 2021 Conference
Title 4: Scada Networks Vulnerability and Attack Specifics: Reliability and Efficient Detection
Target: IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics
Title 5: Efficient and Real-Time Energy Consumption Forecasting for Smart Factories using NARX
Target: IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics
Title 2: Still awaiting reviewer’s response/comments
Title 3: 1. Trained model
2. Performance metrics evaluated
3. Conclusion Completed
4. Plagiarism check done with 6% result
5. Awaiting submission to ICTC 2021
Title 4: 1. Fine-tuned paper
2. Plagiarism and English grammar check with 9% result
3. Got professor’s approval for journal submission to IEEE Industrial Informatics
4. Journal Submitted and paper is being checked for proper format and scope.
Title 5: 1. To continue with the survey of related literature
2. To continue with Introduction
Title 2: Await reviewer’s response/comments
Title 3: 1. Submission to ICTC 2021
2. Await reviewer’s response
Title 4: 1. Await a response from IEEE Journal of Industrial Informatics
Title 5: 1. To continue with the survey of related literature
2. To continue with Introduction
3D Printing
Joined a new project - 3 D Printing
To get to know about the 3D Printing Project
Start to familiarize with the entire project for an understanding of the requirement
To conclude Title 5
To work with existing members of the 3 D printing project for an understanding of the scope and requirement
To start a paper survey based on my understanding of the requirement of the 3 D printing project
To submit/publish at least 2 international journals
To attend at least 2 NSL approved international conferences
To attend at least 2 NSL approved domestic conferences