

7월 5, 2021 - 7월 11, 2021


Title 1 Intelligent and Real-Time Smart Card Fraud Detection for Optimized Industrial Decision Process
Target: KICS Conference and SCI Express
Title2: Review of Key Wearable Device Technologies parameters for Innovative Healthcare Delivery B5G Network
Target: Winter Intensive 2021 and SCI Journal
Title 3: Machine Learning Algorithm for Intelligent Prediction for Military Logistics and Planning
Target: IEEE journal
Title4: Deep Learning-Based Real-Time Drone Detection and Classification System in Military Reconnaissance Operations
Target: MILCOM 2021 Conference
Title5: Monitoring of COVID-19 Vaccination Compliance-A Ubiquitous IT-Convergence Approach
Target: ICTC 2021

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title1: (a)Performed result computation and analysis
(b) Carried out performance evaluation
Title2: Effected corrections on citations and references and did more literature survey as indicated by my mentor.
Title4: Performed system modelling and design as well as preprocess more datasets.
Title5: Did expanded literature survey and system modelling.

This Week Todo's

Title1: To continue with performance evaluation as well as expanded literature review
Title2: To submit paper for publication after approval from Professor
Title4: To perform simulation on SSD models
Title5: To effect final corrections and submit after approval from professor

Project Progress

Anti-drone project

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Acquired more datasets from new drones.
-Preprocessed the dataset for simulation purpose.
-Investigated new models as directed by my project leader.

This Week's Project

-To simulate models with preprocessed dataset.
-To continue with literature review
- To continue with preprocessing of newly acquired datasets for robust modelling.

Monthly Goals

-At least review a paper on Machine learning algorithm and IIoT
-Learn how to train ML models using Python
-Perfect the act of article writing using latex.
-Finish up an article for review and possible submission to a targeted journal.
-Start training on the use of MATLAB for model simulations

Annual Goals

-At least Two international journal submissions
-At least Two conference attendance (international and domestic) (domestic conference achieved)