research Paper research Igboanusi Ikechi Saviour
Title 1: Blockchain Side Implementation of Pure Wallet (PW): An Offline transaction Architecture, (Submitted) ICT Express.
Title 2:
A Survey: Blockchain for real-time systems, IEEE Access, (Pr)
Title 3:
Storage optimization in mining for permissioned blockchain network(Pr) ICTC 2021
Title #1
1) Write review response note.
2) finalize review.
3) Show Professor final version.
4) Resubmit for review.
Title #2
1) Blockchain for the internet of vehicles: How to use blockchain to secure vehicle-to-everything (v2x) communication and payment ?
2) Secure authentication and key management with blockchain in vanets
3) Blockchain-based light weight and secured v2v communication in the internet of vehicles
4) Joint clustering and blockchain for real-time information security transmission at the crossroads in c-v2x networks
Title #1
1) Wait for review comment from ICT Express.
Title #2
1) Continue Blockchain survey:
a) Trust access authentication in vehicular network based on blockchain
b) Regional blockchain for vehicular networks to prevent 51% attacks
c) Blockchain meets edge comput-ing: A distributed and trusted authentication system
d) Spir: A secure and privacy-preserving incentive scheme for reliable real-time map updates
Title #3
1) Started making abstract of paper
1) continue learning about smart contract implementation
International Relations
Project 1: Website development
1) continued learn how to make css and html codes for web development.
Project 2: Youtube video Creation.
1) modify to include Dr. Kim's correction
2) completed the video editing
Project 1: Website development
1) continue learning how to make HTML and CSS codes for web development.
2) Start Implementing website.
Project 2: Youtube video Creation.
1) publish video.
2) Start making video of 5G experience center.
Paper #3
5) Complete survey
6) Review by lab members
7) Implement review corrections
1) publish first ICTCRC video
2) make second youtube video
2021 GOALS
1) Two journal paper submissions.
2) Two conference attendances.
2022 GOALS
1) One international journal paper submission.
2) One international conference attendance.
3) Complete graduation thesis. video