Cooperative Communication Scheme for Industrial Wireless Networks: ISA100.11a
A. Change the title from "Cooperative Communication Scheme for ISA100.11a Networks" to "Cooperative Communication Scheme for Industrial Wireless Networks: ISA100.11a"
B. Add detailed information to chapter titles:
- Chapter 3: "System model" to "System model for ISA100.11a Networks"
- 3.1: "Network model" to "Network model to apply Cooperative Scheme"
- 3.2: "Energy dissipation model" to "Energy dissipation model for ISA100.11a"
- Chapter4: "Proposed algorithm" to "Discription of the proposed cooperative scheme for ISA100.11a networks"
Add the abstract in Korean
Add the acknowledgement
Change the title that include the key words of the title
Prepare the ppt file for defense
Made the final report
Sent the final report and source code to Agi
Finish Ms. Thesis
Finish Ms. Thesis