

7월 5, 2021 - 7월 11, 2021


Title 01:CNN-SSDI: Convolution Neural Network Inspired Surveillance System for UAVs Detection and
Target: Computer Networks.
Title 02: RFDOA-Net: An Efficient ConvNet for RF-based DOA Estimation in UAV Surveillance Systems.
Target: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Title 03:Analysis and Prediction of Hourly Energy Consumption Based on Long Short-Term Memory
Neural Network.
Target: Energy Reports
Title 04: Deep Learning-Based Surveillance System for Drones Detection and Activity Recognition [Processing]
Target: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Title 05: CNN-Based Drone Detection in Multi-variant Environment [Title not fixed yet]
Title 06: Blockchain Assisted Unauthorized Target Localization for Aerospace Surveillance System Using CNN.
Target: ICT Express.
Title 07: An Efficient Convolution Neural Networks for RF-Based Drone Detection and Classification.
Title 08: LSTM Based Solar Irradiance Prediction from Remote Sensing of Meteorological Data.
Target: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (Minor revision)

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 01:
- Waiting for the reviewer comments.
Title 02:
-Continue the revision.
Title 08:
-Received Minor revision.
Title 06:
- Paper is now under checking proof-reading.
Title 05:
- Continue to learn the image processing for simulation.
- Continue simulation for drone detection technique using yolo5 and customized model.
Title 07:
- Literature survey of data preprocessing.

This Week Todo's

Title 01:
- Waiting for the reviewer comments.
Title 02:
-Complete the revision.
Title 08:
-Continue with the reviewer comments of Minor revision.
Title 06:
- Continue to check the proof-reading.
Title 05:
- Continue to learn the image processing for simulation.
- Continue simulation for drone detection technique using yolo5 and customized model.
Title 07:
- Literature survey of data preprocessing.
- Apply the literature survey knowledge for data pre-processing

Project Progress

IoT Application for Smart Home, Website Management

70% Progress
Last Week's Project

IoT Application for Smart Home
- Project meeting
- Find a solution of how to visualize the dataset obtained

Website Management
- Weekly checking NSL website contents with website manager
- Executing any request from Professors

This Week's Project

IoT Application for Smart Home
- Project meeting
- Find a solution of how to visualize the dataset obtained

Website Management
- Weekly checking NSL website contents with website manager
- Executing any request from Professors

Monthly Goals

Annual Goals