

6월 9, 2014 - 6월 15, 2014


함정 전투 시스템을 위한 메시지 지향 관리 및 분석 도구의 메시지 관리 기법 설계 및 구현

95% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Reviewed paper(general format and flow of paper).
Changed reference.

This Week Todo's

[A] :

[B] : Edit problem analysis more detail and clear depend on the flow of paper.

[C] : Include the reference.

Project Progress

MOMAT(Message Oriented Management and Analysis Tool)

80% Progress
Last Week's Project

Made UI windows depend on function and data type.

This Week's Project

[A] : Can be coupled with theother windows directly.

[B] : Make remain UI windows.

[C] : Decide needed UI window.

Monthly Goals

Finish MOMAT project.

Annual Goals

Write International Journal.