

7월 12, 2021 - 7월 18, 2021


Context-Aware Routing Protocol System for FANET-based Environment

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Context-Aware Routing Protocol System for FANET-based Environment
survey FANET routing works

This Week Todo's

Context-Aware Routing Protocol System for FANET-based Environment
study the routing structure in Linux system
survey changing routing protocol work
list the FANET routing protocols

Project Progress

Implementation and Evaluation of UAV Routing Protocol for Civil and Military

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] Implementation and Evaluation of UAV Routing Protocol for Civil and Military
implement routing demon on raspberryPI for UAV proj.(keep)
buying the drone components
Implement part of system based on ROS

[2] Priority Project-Hanwha
survey Deep learning paper using sensor data

This Week's Project

[1] Implementation and Evaluation of UAV Routing Protocol for Civil and Military
implement routing demon on raspberryPI for UAV proj.(keep)
buying the drone components(waiting)
Implement part of system based on ROS

[2] Priority Project-Hanwha
survey Deep learning paper using sensor data

Monthly Goals

- write abstract for journal
- implement simple structure for UAV proj.

Annual Goals

submit at least one international journal