

7월 12, 2021 - 7월 18, 2021


Paper 1: Design of an Enhanced Object Detection Algorithm through Image Scaling

Paper 2: Improving Latency by Simplifying Network to Meet 5G Standard Using OTN Technology

Paper 3: Smart Monitoring for SLA-type 3D Printer using Temporal Convolutional Network

Paper 4: Design of a Fault-Detection System for FDM-type 3D Printer using Temporal Convolutional Network

Paper 5: Design of a 3D-Print Fault Detection System using a Machine Learning Approach to Image Similarity Assessment

55% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1:

Paper 2:
- Discuss with the expert
- Finalizing the paper and fix paper references

Paper 3:
- RRL Research

Paper 4:

Paper 5:
- Draft Proposal

This Week Todo's

Paper 1:

Paper 2:
- Discuss with the expert
- Finalizing the paper and fix paper references

Paper 3:
- Studied Software to be used

Paper 4:

Paper 5:
- Research Different Papers

Project Progress

3D Printing Monitor

55% Progress
Last Week's Project

Create App Wireframe

This Week's Project

Edit Wireframe with revisions from Adi

Monthly Goals

Extended Paper

Finish conversion program

Submit Conference Paper for International Publication

Annual Goals

Submit Journal Paper for International Publication [95%]

Finish 3D Printer Project