

7월 19, 2021 - 7월 25, 2021


Made Adi Paramartha Putra

- Title 1: Adaptive LRFU Replacement Policy for Named Data Network in Industrial IoT(ICT Express) Waiting For Review

- Title 2: Multi-Depth LRFU: Named Data Network Replacement Policy in Industrial IoT (ICTC 2021) Finalize

- Title 3: Smart grid for Energy consumption prediction using LSTM in Industrial Environment (Old Project)

- Title 4: Lightweight Multivariate LSTM for Industrial Power Prediction in Smart Grid (KICS 2021) Accepted

- Title 5: Energy Efficient-based Sensor Data Prediction using Deep Concatenate MLP - (WiP ETFA 2021) Accepted

- Title 6: An Architecture for Energy Efficient-based Data Prediction using MR-MLP in Industrial IoT

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] Summer Intensive
- Continue Survey related paper with energy efficiency
- Pre-processing the dataset

[2] Title 1 & 5:
- Follow up the paper submission status

This Week Todo's

[1] Summer Intensive
- Preparing Second Seminar
- Start to create the deep learning Model
- Compare LSTM and MLP

[2] Title 5:
- Finish camera ready and registration for ETFA 2021

Project Progress

3D Printing

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Start exploring OctoPi as a 3D printing monitoring application
- Install OctoPi and test it with our own 3D Printer.
- Report Prototype of 3D monitoring application

This Week's Project

- Fix the 3D printer error
- Try to print .gcode files through OctoPi
- Try OctoPi plugins
- Revise the design of the mobile app
- Install Cura

Monthly Goals

- Submit for ICTC 2021
- Finish system model for Summer Intensive 2021
- Start writing the Summer Intensive 2021 paper

Annual Goals

- Submit and accepted in at least 2 Local and International Conference (KCIS {1}, ICTC, ETFA {1})
- Submit and accepted in at least 2 (IEEE Journal / SCI)