

6월 9, 2014 - 6월 15, 2014


[A] Faulty node detection

1% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper Reshaping

This Week Todo's

[A] Submit the ETFA work in progress paper
"Probability based Faulty Node Detection Algorithm"

[B] Find out the improving point about "Design and Anaolysis of UWB-based Network for Reliable Timely Communications in Safety-Critical Avionics" for prof. Shin's class. - Using error correction scheme and considering the expended service curve, it can find suitable point between network traffic and PER.

[B] Prepare the prof. Kim's class's presentation.
"Time-Critical MAC Protocol based on IEEE 802.15.4 IR-UWB optimized for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks"
"Wireless Field Buses for Aerospace Ground and In-Flight Testing:an Experiment"

Project Progress


35% Progress
Last Week's Project

already got a project meeting with tales on sat.
This week's target is combine all of our window class in one main window using floating pannel.

This Week's Project

[A] 신규 레이어 구조 생성관련 윈도우 개발
- WPF 기반으로 기초적인 상태에서의 구현 완료
- 마우스 우클릭으로 컨텍스트 컨트롤 추가 및 외부 윈도우와의 연동관련 함수 구현

[B] 현재까지 보유중인 윈도우와 메인 플랫폼과 연동 및 동기화 확인

[C] 월말까지 디버깅 및 구현 완료

Monthly Goals

ETFA 논문 submit
월말 ~27까지 모맷 프로그램 개발 완료

Annual Goals