

7월 26, 2021 - 8월 1, 2021


Title 1: Deep learning-based 3D printer fault detection
- Submitted (ICUFN 2021 - Accepted)

Title 2: An inference time-efficient 3D printer fault detection using CNN
- Submitted (KICS 2021 - Accepted)

Title 3: Edge AI-based 3D Printer Monitoring and Fault Prediction
- Summer Intensive 2021

Title 4: Dataset Anomalies

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] ICUFN 2021
- Accepted
- Modified paper based on the reviewers

[3] Summer Intensive
- Introduction
- Surveyed related works

This Week Todo's

[1] ICUFN 2021
- Book accommodation and tickets

[3] Summer Intensive
- Survey fault prediction in general
- Study rpi monitoring and command control
- Collect dataset
- Finish Introduction and related works

Project Progress

3D Monitoring Project

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Explored Cura
- Modified and gathered 3D models
- Surveyed related works

This Week's Project

- Gather 3D models (normal and anomalies)
- Survey image processing
- OctoPrint camera monitoring

Monthly Goals

1. Journal paper
- Search and review related works
- Compare conventional and machine learning methods

2. Learn more about machine learning and deep learning with Python
- Study for online tutorials
- Read articles
- Re-simulate what I learn

3. Summer Intensive 2021
- Gather dataset
- Finish half of the paper (Introduction and Related works)

Annual Goals

1. Publish two or three conference papers (Domestic and International)
- KICS Summer 2021 (done)
- ICUFN 2021 (accepted)

2. Publish at least one International Journal
- Summer Intensive 2021