

7월 26, 2021 - 8월 1, 2021


Paper 1: "Implementation Strategy of FTTH in Telco Company for the emerging 5G Networks."

Paper 2: "Improving Latency by Simplifying Network to Meet 5G Standard Using OTN Technology"

Paper 3: "Enhanced Object Detection using YOLO through Nearest Neighbor Scaling."

Paper 4: "Convergence GPON Technology in Delivering 5G and Fixed Broadband Service"
(title tentative)

Paper 5: "Performance Comparison of G-PON and L2 Switch as Aggregator for supporting Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to meet 5G Standard"
(for summer intensive)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1: Submitted
- Making the presentation and poster (Done)

Paper 2: Continuing Research
- Discuss with the expert
- Finalizing the paper and fix paper references

Paper 3: Submit paper

Paper 4: Surveying several papers
- Discuss with the expert
- Continue writing paper

Paper 5: Continue surveying several papers

This Week Todo's

Paper 1: Submitted
- Making the presentation and poster (Done)

Paper 2: Continuing Research
- Discuss with the expert
- Finalizing the paper and fix paper references

Paper 3: Submit paper

Paper 4: - Finalizing the paper and fix paper references

Paper 5: Continue surveying several papers and search for references

Project Progress

Implementation and Evaluation of UAV Routing Protocol for Civil and Military

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

Waiting for further directions regarding the next project

This Week's Project

Waiting for further directions regarding the next project

Monthly Goals

- Submission to ITCS Journal
- ICTC Conference Paper
- Finish review paper

Annual Goals

- Submit 1 paper for Journal and 1 paper for Conference