

8월 24, 2021 - 8월 30, 2021


Paper 1: A Long-Short Term Memory Based Solar IrradiancePrediction Scheme Using Meteorological Data, (Accepted: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters).

Paper 2: Energy Efficient Drone Deployment with OptimizedPath-planning in Post-Disaster Environment' (ICTC Conference 2021 [Submitted]).

Paper 3: Secure Renewable Energy Trading for Internet of Drone Things in Search and Rescue System Empowered by Blockchain Technique, (Target: Energy for Sustainable Development, Elsevier).

Paper 4: Real-Time Drone Detection Scheme Using Deep Learning from Thermal Sensors Data to Prevent the Threat of UAV to Nuclear Facilities, (Target: IEEE Wireless Communication Letters).

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1:
* Proofread and revised the final copy of the paper
* Submitted the final files for the publication

Paper 2:
* Revised the paper for final submission
* Submitted to the ICTC Conference

Paper 4:
* Collecting own dataset using a FLIR camera

This Week Todo's

Paper 4:
* Finish the simulation task of drone detection
* Complete the paper writing task

Project Progress

Development of UAV routing protocol for civil and military, Anti-Drone project

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

Project 1:
* No task assigned prior to the holiday

Project 2:
* No task assigned prior to the holiday

This Week's Project

Project 1:
* Survey papers for CNN implementation in FANET routing protocol

Project 2:
* Continue learning the Yolo v5 for different object classification

Monthly Goals

1. Finish writing the paper for the ICTC conference.

2. Complete the survey and data pre-processing for Summer Intensive paper.

3. Finish the summer intensive paper.

Annual Goals

* Submit at least two Journal in one year

* Attend one International Conference

* Make sure to learn as many simulation tools as possible