

8월 30, 2021 - 9월 5, 2021


Paper for Presentation 2021/09/09

Title : A Long-Short Term Memory Based Solar Irradiance Prediction Scheme Using Meteorological Data
From : IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
Submitted and Approved but not Online yet

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Find 3 NSL-IEEE Journals regarding to Energy Prediction and Machine Learning
2. Get Professor approval upon those 3 papers
3. A Long-Short Term Memory Based Solar Irradiance Prediction Scheme Using Meteorological Data journal is chosen and read it numerous times

This Week Todo's

1. Read the 1st Choice journal, and for more read the 2nd choice also for better result and comparison
2. Prepare the Power Point Slides ONLY based on the 1st choice journal
3. Consult to Ms. Tuli for every milestone on PPT Progression
4. Practice the speech

Project Progress

Smart Grid Power Prediction

0% Progress
Last Week's Project

Not started yet.

This Week's Project

Monthly Goals

1. Moving to Digital Building Room 107 regarding to project based seat, prepare for anything like PC and stuffs.
2. Request the IP and Install all the stuff on new PC
3. Start to thinking about own research about energy and machine learning
4. Practice the Matlab, Python, and LaTeX

Annual Goals

1. Either Internation or Domestic Journal or Conference Papers. Let's go
2. Get it together for the School life and Lab
3. Keep the focus