

8월 30, 2021 - 9월 5, 2021


Made Adi Paramartha Putra

- Title 1: Adaptive LRFU Replacement Policy for Named Data Network in Industrial IoT(ICT Express) Waiting For Review

- Title 2: DB-BiLSTM: Euclidean Distance-Based Sensor Data Prediction for IoT Applications (new ICTC 2021)

- Title 3: Smart grid for Energy consumption prediction using LSTM in Industrial Environment (Old Project)

- Title 6: An Architecture for Energy Efficient-based Data Prediction using MR-MLP in Industrial IoT

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] Title 2:
- Submit for ICTC

[2] Title 6:
- Modified the existing proposed model to improve the performance
- Find the best-correlated nodes in the dataset
- Learn about Spearmanr and Pearsonr

This Week Todo's

[1] Title 2:
-Modify and Final Submission to ICTC

[2] Title 6:
- Learn about kFold Cross Validation
- Learn about removing outliers and wavelet denoising

Project Progress

3D Printing

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] 3D Monitoring (Adi, Mark, Love)
- Successfully send a command to print via OctoPi
- Install the camera in OctoPi
- Begin with capturing dataset for paper

[2] Apps Development (Gino)
- Continues to learn about API and develop the design

This Week's Project

[1] 3D Monitoring (Adi, Mark, Love)
- Successfully install and capture the printing process
- Modify the capturing process
- Preparing for industrial-based 3D model

[2] Apps Development (Gino)
- Continues to learn about API and develop the design

Monthly Goals

- Finish Summer Intensive Paper
- Finish Capturing Dataset for 3D Printer Projects

Annual Goals

- Submit and accepted in at least 2 Local and International Conference (KCIS {1}, ICTC, ETFA {1})
- Submit and accepted in at least 2 (SCI / SCIE)