

9월 6, 2021 - 9월 12, 2021


Title 1: Thermal-array Sensor-Based Activity Detection in Smart Spaces using AI: A State-of-the-art-Survey
Target: IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing.
1. Summer Intensive 2021: To be submitted on August 31, 2021

Title 2:
Ensemble And Deep learning Architectures for Human Activity Recognition in Smart Factories (tentative topic for Ph.D. thesis)
1. Still exploring options and trying to identify clearly what will be the target system for the Ph.D. Thesis.
2. Hope to commence writing on September 1, 2021.

88% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
1. Submitted

Title 2:
1. To keep reading about Ensemble learning on MATLAB documentation and videos.
2. Watched more videos on Ensemble learning and challenges
3. Prepare the Thesis template and begin preliminary pages.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
1. Under review

Title 2:
1. To keep reading about Ensemble learning on MATLAB documentation and videos.
2. Watched more videos on Ensemble learning and challenges
3. Prepare the Thesis template and begin preliminary pages.

Project Progress

IoT Applications and NSL International Conference/Journal Section

86% Progress
Last Week's Project

Team Leader
1. Keep working with Philip and Mentors to guide all newcomers on NSL activities.
2. Continue to monitor and update 2021 Summer intensive paper titles.
3. Ensure Vivian is guided until arrival in NSL.

Project: IoT Applications for Smart Home (Project Leader)

1. To continue working with the new sensors purchased to collect the NSL dataset.
2. Major challenge is how to integrate all the sensors to have a unified dataset.
3. Commence the use of the new sensor from the company.

NSL Activities: International Journals and Conference Section on NSL Website

1. keep sending messages to all Lab members who did not update their sections and personal profile
2. Monitoring status of NSL members on international Conferences/Journals and reported accordingly to team managers
3. Help to ensure accurate data on research gate for members and professor page

This Week's Project

Team Leader
1. Keep working with Philip and Mentors to guide all newcomers on NSL activities.
2. Continue to monitor and update 2021 Summer intensive paper titles.
3. Ensure Vivian is guided until arrival in NSL.

Project: IoT Applications for Smart Home (Project Leader)

1. To continue working with the new sensors purchased to collect the NSL dataset.
2. Purchase of Jetson NAno and Prepare the proposal for Capstone design.
3. Commence the use of the new sensor from the company.

NSL Activities: International Journals and Conference Section on NSL Website

1. keep sending messages to all Lab members who did not update their sections and personal profile
2. Monitoring status of NSL members on international Conferences/Journals and reported accordingly to team managers
3. Help to ensure accurate data on research gate for members and professor page

Monthly Goals

Monthly goals September:

1. Work on improving the new project idea for IoT Team using a Thermal-array (70%).
6. Complete sections I, II, and III of Ph.D. Thesis.

Annual Goals

1. Attend or submit at least one International Conference: ICAIIC 2021 (Done), ICOIN 2021 (Done), ETFA 2021 (Done), ICUFN 2021 (Done), ICTC 2021(Done).
2. Attend or submit to all domestic conferences approved by the NSL: KICS Winter 2021 (Done), JCCI 2021, (done), KICS Summer 2021 (done), KICS Fall 2021 (Processing)
3. Publish or submit at least three International Journal papers/Letters (90% Done)
4. Defend my Ph.D. thesis (December 3-6, 2021)