

9월 6, 2021 - 9월 12, 2021


Title 1 Intelligent and Real-Time Smart Card Fraud Detection for Optimized Industrial Decision Process
Target: KICS Conference and IEEE Emerging Topics In Computing (Under Review)
Title2: A Review of Key Wearable Device Technologies Parameters for Innovative Healthcare Delivery inB5G Network
Target: KICS Conference and IEEE Emerging Topics In Computing (Under Review)
Title 3: Anti-Drone Systems Design: Safeguarding Airspace through Real-Time Trustworthy AI Paradigm
Target: KAIC 2021
Title 4: Multi-Drone Detection and Classification using YOlov5 with Transfer Learning for Real-Time Military Tactical Operations
Target: ICOIN 2022 and ICT Express
Title 5: Deep Learning-Based Real-Time Drone Detection and Classification System in Military Reconnaissance Operations
Target: IEEE IoT Journal
Title6: Monitoring of COVID-19 Vaccination Compliance-A Ubiquitous IT-Convergence Approach
Target: ICTC 2021
Title 7: Hybrid Portable Multiple Drone Detection, Classification & Identification Architecture for Industrial Facilities
Target: Summer Intensive and ICC 2021

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1: Waiting for Review comments
Title2: Waiting for review comments
Title3: Submitted and waiting for acceptance notification
Title4: (a) Adjusted paper content based on plagiarism check
Title 5: (a) Continued with paper writing
Title 7: (a) Gathered more dataset for robust system design
(b) Preprocessed and augmented dataset
(c) Trained and simulated model with preprocessed dataset.

Mentoring Activities (Rasyid)
-To guided mentee on Installation of MATLAB
-To helped mentee on seminar paper preparation and presentation
-To guided mentee on other essential components of NSL website

This Week Todo's

Title1: Waiting for review comment
Title2: Waiting for review comment
Title3: Waiting for comments
Title 6: Waiting for comments
Title 4: (a) To run simulation on Yolov4 model.
(b) To carry out performance evaluation
Title 7: (a) To increase dataset and re-simulate for both detection and identification
(b) To develop a robust system model and compare with existing model
Mentoring Activities (Rasyid)
1. To guide mentee on seminar preparation and presentation
2. To teach mentee on basics of paper review
3. To help mentee with presentation techniques

Project Progress

Anti-drone project

40% Progress
Last Week's Project

Lasty week
--Gathered more dataset for payload identification
--Preprocessed and augmented dataset for simulation
--Trained and Simulated model using preprocessed dataset.

This Week's Project

--To increase dataset for object identification and detection purpose
--To re-design model to accommodate observable features in previous simulations
--Continue with paper writing

Monthly Goals

-At least review a paper on Machine learning algorithm and IIoT
-Learn how to train ML models using Python
Improve using latex for complex equations.
-Finish up an article for review and possible submission to a targeted journal.
-Learning use of MATLAB image processing

Annual Goals

-At least Two international journal submissions (achieved)
-At least Two conference attendance (international and domestic) (both achieved)