

9월 13, 2021 - 9월 19, 2021


Made Adi Paramartha Putra

- Title 6: A Fast Data Prediction-Based Energy-Efficient Architecture in Industrial Internet of Things (IoT Special Issue)

- Title 7: Digital Twin

85% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Finalize Summer Intensive Paper with Professors
- ETFA 2021 Presentation

This Week Todo's

Title 6:
- Submit Summer Intensive Paper

Title 7:
- Brainstorming about the paper ideas and goals

Project Progress

3D Printer

25% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Team Meeting
- Capture and rename more dataset
- Training the current Dataset
- Meeting with Conception

This Week's Project

- Team Meeting
- Distribute the task of each member
- Capture and rename more dataset
- Add features to the camera with the web apps
- Training the current Dataset

Monthly Goals

- Present ETFA Conference
- Submit Summer Intensive Paper to IoT Jurnal Special Issues
- Finish KICS Fall papers
- Finish WebApps for 3D Printing Project
- Finish Paper for 3D Printing Project

Annual Goals

- Submit and accepted in at least 2 Local and International Conference (KCIS {1}, ICTC, ETFA {1})
- Submit and accepted in at least 2 (SCI / SCIE)