

9월 13, 2021 - 9월 19, 2021


Title 1: Design and Implementation of Low-Cost Fog Computing Architecture for IoT-Based Applications (submitted to ICTC 2021)

Title 2: Offloading Task Scheduling with Resources Optimization in Edge Computing Networks for Industrial Applications (Tentative)
Target: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
*Under review

Title 2:
*Survey more papers related with this topic
*Discuss with Mentor about edge computing

This Week Todo's

Title 2:
*Paper review
(i) Learning IoT in Edge: Deep Learning for the Internet of Things with Edge Computing
(ii) Edge Computing in Industrial Internet of Things: Architecture, Advances and Challenges
(iii) Toward Computation Offloading in Edge Computing: A Survey

Project Progress

IoT Application for Smart Home

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

# Discuss with member about system design
# Installation the Jetson nano OS and try to connect the sensors on jetson nano
# Survey more papers related with this project
# Survey location for thermal array sensor data collection

This Week's Project

# Survey more papers related with this project
# Read thermal array sensor data (from serial port) and record to a txt file on Jetson nano

Monthly Goals

1. Complete the final copy of the ICTC paper

2. Survey papers related to Edge computing as my tentative research topic

Annual Goals

1. Submit at least two SCI journals

2. Attend one international and one domestic conference