

9월 13, 2021 - 9월 19, 2021


Paper 1: "The Design of The Emerging 5G Using Hybrid GPON and XGS-PON Technology" (ICTC)

Paper 2: "Performance Comparison of G-PON and L2 Switch as Aggregator for supporting Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to meet 5G Standard" (Summer Intensive)

48% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1 -- Under review

Paper 2 -- In progress
- Working on the network design and simulating both technologies

This Week Todo's

Paper 1 -- Under review

Paper 2 -- In progress
- Working on the network design
- Compare the simulation result between G-PON and L2 Switch technology

Project Progress


55% Progress
Last Week's Project

Continue to read literature on possible scenarios for UAV network/FANET.

This Week's Project

Simulate comparison of OLSR with DSR and AODV for mobile nodes scenario.

Monthly Goals

Submit ICTC and Summer Intensive Paper

Annual Goals

Submit journal paper