

9월 27, 2021 - 10월 3, 2021


Title 1 Intelligent and Real-Time Smart Card Fraud Detection for Optimized Industrial Decision Process
Target: KICS Conference and IEEE Emerging Topics In Computing (Under Review)
Title2: A Review of Key Wearable Device Technologies Parameters for Innovative Healthcare Delivery inB5G Network
Target: KICS Conference and IEEE Emerging Topics In Computing (Under Review)
Title 3: Anti-Drone Systems Design: Safeguarding Airspace through Real-Time Trustworthy AI Paradigm
Target: KAIC 2021
Title 4: Multi-Drone Detection and Classification using YOlov5 with Transfer Learning for Real-Time Military Tactical Operations
Target: ICOIN 2022 and ICT Express
Title 5: Deep Learning-Based Real-Time Drone Detection and Classification System in Military Reconnaissance Operations
Target: IEEE IoT Journal
Title6: Monitoring of COVID-19 Vaccination Compliance-A Ubiquitous IT-Convergence Approach
Target: ICTC 2021
Title 7: Hybrid Portable Multiple Drone Detection, Classification & Identification Architecture for Industrial Facilities
Target: Summer Intensive and ICC 2021

85% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title1: Paper returned and was out of scope.
Title2: Paper was returned and out of scope
Title3: (1) Paper accepted with minor revision
(2) Revision effected and Camera-ready was prepared and uploaded
Title5: Paper submitted and awaiting result
Title6: Paper accepted with little review comment
-Prepared for graduation examination
-Attended to lecture demands
Mentoring Activities (Rasyid)
-Guided mentee on basics on quality paper review
-Assigned a paper review task to mentee
-Guided Mentee on the use of LaTEX

This Week Todo's

-Title 1 and Title 2: To resubmit to another journal
-Toile 6: Prepare camera ready version of the paper and upload
-Title3: Prepare paper presentation for the conference
-Preparing to take graduation exam
-Preparing to attend KAIC 2021 conference

Mentoring session with Session (Rasyid)
-Continue on the use of Latex for paper writing
-Comments from outcome of reviewed paper

Project Progress

Anti-drone detection system

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Gathered more dataset for robust model testing
-Cleaned and labelled the datasets
-Ran simulation on SSD model
-Had a brainstorming session with team members

This Week's Project

-Continue simulation on SSD model

Monthly Goals

-At least review a paper on Machine learning algorithm and IIoT
-Learn how to train ML models using Python
Improve using latex for complex equations.
-Finish up an article for review and possible submission to a targeted journal.
-Learning use of MATLAB image processing

Annual Goals

-At least Two international journal submissions (achieved)
-At least Two conference attendance (international and domestic) (both achieved)