Title 1: Internet of Things for Smart Manufacturing: A Review of Benefits and Challenges
Title 1: Paper was accepted with some comments
- Prepared seminar presentation
- Attended classes and submitted assignments
- Was still observing quarantine
Title 1: Corrections will be effected on ICTC paper
Title 1: Submission of the camera-ready version of the paper
-Classes attendance and assignment submission
-To engage in a mentorship session with my mentor
- Preparing to make a seminar presentation
Anti- Drone Project
Had a presentation during the capstone design class
- Learning how to generate data sets
- Learning how to pre-process data sets
- To have a brainstorming session with project team members
- Develop a skill set on Deep learning and machine learning
- Work effectively well with LaTEX
- Submission of a paper for an international conference
- Submission of a paper for a domestic conference
- Submission of at least a journal