

6월 15, 2014 - 6월 21, 2014


A. "Design and Implementation of Alarm Monitoring System for Marine Engines",In Preparation, IEEE Journal of ocean Engineering, 2014.

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

A. "Design and Implementation of Alarm Monitoring System for Marine Engines",In Preparation, IEEE Journal of ocean Engineering, 2014.

- Improved conclusion
- Changed Title
- Corrected grsmatically

This Week Todo's

A. "Design and Implementation of Alarm Monitoring System for Marine Engines",In Preparation, IEEE Journal of ocean Engineering, 2014.

- Submit to Jouurnal

Project Progress

Modelling of marine engines in ship propulsion control system

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

Studied hydrodynamics of Reduction gear of ship propulsion system
tried to separate Engine and propeller parts from propulsion

This Week's Project

- make code for Modbus TCP
- finish separation of Engine and propeller code.

Monthly Goals

Submit at least 2 SCI journal papers and some Conference

Annual Goals

Submit at least 2 SCI journal papers and some Conference