

9월 27, 2021 - 10월 3, 2021


Paper 1: "The Design of The Emerging 5G Using Hybrid GPON and XGS-PON Technology" (ICTC)

Paper 2: "Performance Comparison of G-PON and L2 Switch as Aggregator for supporting Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to meet 5G Standard" (Summer Intensive)

47% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1 -- Under review

Paper 2 -- In progress
- Working on the network design
- Compare the simulation result between G-PON and L2 Switch technology

This Week Todo's

Paper 1 -- Revision
- Submit

Paper 2 -- In progress
- Working on the network design again to get the best result

Project Progress


58% Progress
Last Week's Project

Simulate comparison of OLSR with DSR and AODV for mobile nodes scenario.

This Week's Project

Simulate comparison of OLSR with DSR and AODV for mobile nodes scenario.

Monthly Goals

Submit ICTC and Summer Intensive Paper

Annual Goals

Submit journal paper