

10월 5, 2021 - 10월 11, 2021


Title 1: Robust DWT-Based Audio Watermarking Against MP3 Compression (2021 KICS Fall Conference)

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Learnt how to write a paper with Latex
2. Title 1: paper review and writing paper

This Week Todo's

1. Continue to learn how to write a paper with Latex
2. Feedback about reviewing a paper
3. Title 1: writing paper, getting the experimental results, and finishing

Project Progress

3D Printing

15% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Paper review on sensor usage in monitoring 3D printer
2. Raspberry Pi set up and configuration

This Week's Project

1. Paper review on sensor usage in monitoring 3D printer
2. List what kind of sensor to be used
3. Raspberry Pi set up and configuration
4. Apply sensors on Raspberry Pi

Monthly Goals

1. Configure a simple blockchain network
2. Obtain dataset from 3D Printing Monitoring Project
3. Review how to write a paper with LaTeX
4. Learn and implement various Machine Learning tools on MATLAB and Python

Annual Goals

1. Submit at least one international journal
2. Attend one international and one domestic conference
3. Learn how to use various ML tools on Matlab and Python