

10월 5, 2021 - 10월 11, 2021


1. KICS MP3 Compression Robust Audio Watermarking System based on Polar Singular Value using QIM
2. Winter Intensive Blockchain Research

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Blockchain basic and connecting from device to device within private network
2. Smart Contract and deployment on Blockchain network
3. KICS Paper

This Week Todo's

1. KICS Paper
2. Continue the Blockchain Progress

Project Progress

Smart Grid Energy Prediction

40% Progress
Last Week's Project

Paper Review (for continuity as the previous meteorological data energy prediction)

This Week's Project

Paper Review (Smart Grid)

Monthly Goals

1. New Knowledge for Coding within Javascript and other needed Programing Language for Blockchain
2. Blockchain Progression
3. Smart Grid Energy Prediction Project in progress

Annual Goals

1. Paper & Journals publication as International IEEE conference
2. Blockchain & Smart Grid energy prediction knowledge on point