

6월 16, 2014 - 6월 22, 2014


title 1 (jour.): Adaptive Spectrum Handoff Scheme for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks
title 2 (conf.): Hybrid Energy-Aware Scheduling Based on Renewal Process in Real-Time System
title 3 (conf.): Renewal process - application on energy-aware routing in cognitive radio networks

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[A] title 1: Checked correction service. Some parts of the paper and corrected paper are not the same.
[C] title 2: submitted paper to etfa wip.
[B] title 3: finished system model, wrote a part of problem formulation and began simulation works based on BARCON codes from Tung.

This Week Todo's

[A] title 1: Correct the paper again and submit journal (IEEE trans. on Communications)
[C] title 2: wait for review comments
[B] title 3: problem formulation (cont.: draw algorithm) and simulations based on Tung's code (energy consumption when renewal process parameters, distances and number of nodes change).

Project Progress


10% Progress
Last Week's Project

Joined the project
Read documents about XEN desktop
Made structure diagram of XEN desktop and sent to Dong-hee

This Week's Project

Read more deeply about XEN desktop.
Study about how to implement XEN desktop from Syamsul.

Monthly Goals

finish paper title 3 (draft)
have acceptable knowledge of XEN

Annual Goals

2 journal SCI papers and 3 international conference papers