title 1 (jour.): Adaptive Spectrum Handoff Scheme for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks
title 2 (conf.): Hybrid Energy-Aware Scheduling Based on Renewal Process in Real-Time System
title 3 (conf.): Renewal process - application on energy-aware routing in cognitive radio networks
[A] title 1: Checked correction service. Some parts of the paper and corrected paper are not the same.
[C] title 2: submitted paper to etfa wip.
[B] title 3: finished system model, wrote a part of problem formulation and began simulation works based on BARCON codes from Tung.
[A] title 1: Correct the paper again and submit journal (IEEE trans. on Communications)
[C] title 2: wait for review comments
[B] title 3: problem formulation (cont.: draw algorithm) and simulations based on Tung's code (energy consumption when renewal process parameters, distances and number of nodes change).
Joined the project
Read documents about XEN desktop
Made structure diagram of XEN desktop and sent to Dong-hee
Read more deeply about XEN desktop.
Study about how to implement XEN desktop from Syamsul.
finish paper title 3 (draft)
have acceptable knowledge of XEN
2 journal SCI papers and 3 international conference papers