

10월 25, 2021 - 10월 31, 2021


Title2: Time-Efficient Deep Learning-Based Energy Consumption Prediction for Smart Factory
Target: ICOIN 2022 Conference

Title3: Enhanced Vulnerability Detection in Scada Systems using Hyper-Parameter-Tune Machine Learning
Target: ICTC 2021 Conference

Title 4: An Efficient Hybrid SCADA Network Vulnerability Detection and Characterization Technique
Target: IEEE Transaction on Emerging Topics in Computing

Title 5: An Intelligent CNN Framework for Time-Efficient Energy Consumption Prediction in Smart Factory
Target: ICT Express

Title 7: Efficient Classification of Enciphered SCADA Network Traffic in 5G+ Enabled Smart Factory
Target: IEEE Access

Title 8: Countering DNS Vulnerability to Attacks Using Ensemble Learning
Target: ICAIIC 2022

Title 9: Effective Gaussian Process Regression Kernels Selection for Secured SCADA Network Communication
Target: ICC 2022

Title 10: Improving Machine Learning Reliability using Trees Optimization for Attack Detection on SCADA Network
Target: KICS Fall 2021

85% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2: Awaiting reviewer’s response/comments

Title 3: Attended ICTC Conference

Title 4: Awaiting reviewer’s response/comments

Title 5: Paused for revision based on review comments on title 7 from ICT Express

Title 7: 1. Secured approval from professor for submission
2. Submitted to IEEE IoT Journal

Title 8: Changed Title for submission to ICAIIC 2022

Title 9: 1. Secured approval from professor for submission
2. Submitted for ICC 2022

Title 10: Submitted for KICS Fall in line with the extended date of submission

This Week Todo's

Title 2: Awaiting reviewer’s response/comments

Title 4: Awaiting review’s response/comments

Title 5: To commence paper revision based on review comments on title 7 from ICT Express

Title 7: Awaiting reviewer’s response/comments

Title 8: Commenced to meet timeline submission of November 01, 2021

Title 9: Awaiting reviewer’s response/comments

Title 10: Awaiting reviewer’s response/comments

Project Progress

3D printing Project

35% Progress
Last Week's Project

Started data preprocessing
Image data labelling

This Week's Project

To continue with Image data labelling
Start model design on fault detection in 3D Printing

Monthly Goals

Attended ICTC Conference 2021
To continue with training on Machine Learning
To conclude title 5, based on review comments on title 7 from ICT Express
To conclude title 8 for submission to ICAIIC 2022

Annual Goals

1. Attend at least two NSL approved Domestic Conference (100%)

2. Attend at least two NSL International Conferences (50%)

3. Submit at least two International Journals (Submission 100%)