

11월 1, 2021 - 11월 7, 2021


Made Adi Paramartha Putra

- Title 6: Data Prediction-Based Energy-Efficient Architecture in Industrial Internet of Things - IoT Special Issue (Prepare for Resubmission)

- Title 7: Efficient 3D Printer Fault Classification using Multi-Block 2D Convolutional Neural Network - KICS Journal (In Revision)

- Title 8: Composite Multi-Directional LSTM for Accurate Prediction of Energy Consumption - ICOIN (Submitted)

- Title 9: Fault Detection in 3D Printers using an Improved YOLOv5 with Hyperparameter Tuning - KICS Fall 2021 (Submitted)

- Title 10: ICC -> IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (Digital Twin)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 6:
- Prepare submission to other Journal (IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking)

Title 7: KICS Journal
- Continue to revise the manuscript

Title 10: ICC
- Write manuscript file
- Run several scenarios

This Week Todo's

Title 6:
- Resubmit to IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Title 7: KICS Journal
- Finalize the manuscript
- Submit the revised version

Project Progress

3D Printing Monitoring

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Team Meeting
- Revise Domestic Paper
- Continue gathering the image dataset (rectangle and circle)
- Continue to Setup the 2nd 3D printer
- Try to run client-server architecture for the 3D Printer project

This Week's Project

- Team Meeting
- Revise Domestic Paper
- Continue gathering the image dataset (rectangle and circle)
- Finalize 3D printing paper for KICS fall
- Prepare patent application for multi 3d printer monitoring
- Submit patent application

Monthly Goals

- Submit Revised Manuscript to Domestic KICS Journal ()
- Attend KICS Fall 2021 ()
- Submit patent application for multi 3d printer monitoring ()

Annual Goals

Accepted in 2 Local and International Conference: (✓)
- KICS Summer 2021 ✓ {1}
- ICTC 2021 ✓ {1}
- ETFA 2021 ✓ {1}
- ICOIN (x)

Accepted in 2 Journal (SCI / SCIE):
- ICT Express 2021 ✓ {1}
- IEEE Internet of Things Journal (x)