

11월 1, 2021 - 11월 7, 2021


Title 1:
"Fast Successive Approximation ADC With Series Time-Interleaved Architecture."
Target: Electronics Letters

Title 2:
"A 12-b 3-GS/s Fast Successive Approximation ADC With Series Time-Interleaved Architecture"
Target: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I

65% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
- Waited for the decision.

Title 2:
- Fix coupling problems.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
- Waiting for the decision.

Title 2:
- Fix coupling problems.

Project Progress

Smart Energy Grid

13% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Paper surveying about topics related to Smart Energy Grid.

This Week's Project

- Continue paper surveying about topics related to Smart Energy Grid.

Monthly Goals

- Increase my skills in Cadence Virtuoso.
- Increase my level in the Korean language.

Annual Goals

- Publish an International Journal Paper.