

6월 16, 2014 - 6월 22, 2014


Title 1. (Conf.) Node Discovery Scheme of DDS using Dynamic Bloom Filters (ETFA'2014 WIP)
Title 2. (Conf.) Efficient matching QoS scheme of DDS using Bloom Filters (-)
Title 3. (Jour.) Node Discovery Scheme of DDS using Dynamic Bloom Filters (Industrial Informatics)
Title 4. (Jour.) Efficient routing in interference-aware cognitive radio networks (Wireless Personal Communications)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[C]. Title 1. Waiting review result

[B]. Title 2. Create figure for Data Distribution Service theory

[C]. Title 3. Waiting review result

[A]. Title 4. Edit latex file for using new submission format and submit the paper

This Week Todo's

[C]. Title 1. Waiting review result

[B]. Title 2. Create Introduction section

[C]. Title 3. Waiting review result

[A]. Title 4. Trimming and edit latex file for using WPC submission format

Project Progress

MOMAT server

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

[A]. Implement algorithm to check external local Database with Database
[A]. Implement GUI form for showing the conflicted external local Database with Database data

This Week's Project

[A]. Edit the source file ConnectingDB.c for debugging the error

Monthly Goals

[A]. Finish and Submit ETFA'2014 Work-in-Progress
[B]. Create simulation environment for new DDS paper

Annual Goals

2 journal SCI paper and 3 conference papers