

11월 1, 2021 - 11월 7, 2021


- Blockchain Auto-mining with miner detection and looping transaction-enabled
- Smart Contract on Blockchain
- Smart Grid energy prediction based on LSTM (against GRU & other DNN)

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- KICS Fall 2021 Audio Watermarking on IoT Paper
- Energy Prediction LSTM Basic Concept

This Week Todo's

- Blockchain focuses on developing & learning about Smart Contract
- Energy prediction focuses on the basic concept of GRU and LSTM Matlab implementation

Project Progress

Smart Grid Energy Prediction

45% Progress
Last Week's Project

- LSTM basic concept including the mathematical approaching

This Week's Project

- LSTM on Matlab implementation
- GRU Basic concept and its mathematical approaching

Monthly Goals

- Concept of either blockchain or energy prediction paper (Hopefully journal)
- expanding the knowledge of blockchain that could be implemented in such bases as Smart grid, Audio Watermarking, etc
- Preparing for the winter intensive and its output

Annual Goals

- International Journal Conference
- International Paper Conference
- Domestic for either journal/paper conference