

November 8, 2021 - November 14, 2021


Title 2: UAV Assisted Real-Time Detection and Recognition Of Citrus Disease in Smart Farming using Deep
Learning (Submitted to KICS Fall)

Title 3:Accurate prediction of drones from other flying objects using VGG16 Model

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

i. Finished the introductory part of the paper

ii. Brainstormed with team members to garner more knowledge

iii. Continue paper review

This Week Todo's

i. Continue with paper writing

ii. Gather datasets and commence labeling

iii. Continuous studying of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Project Progress

Anti- Drone Project

55% Progress
Last Week's Project

i. Re-designed a CNN model

ii. Literature review of the various YOLO architectures

iii. Continuous studying of Deep Learning algorithms

This Week's Project

i. Paper reviews

ii. Labeling of datasets for the team’s project

Monthly Goals

i. Submit a paper for KICS conference (achieved)

ii. Submit at least 2 papers for international conference (ICTC achieved )

iii. Acquire in-depth knowledge and usage of Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Annual Goals

i. Submit an international journal