

11월 22, 2021 - 11월 28, 2021


Paper 1: Smart E-Waste Bin Development Based on YOLOv4 Model

Paper 2: Fused Deposition Modeling 3D Printing Fault Diagnosis using Temporal Convolutional Network

Paper 3: Noise Filtering Mobile Application for Speech Enhancement using a Redundant Convolutional Encoder-Decoder

Paper 4: 3D Printer State Prediction: A Deep Learning Model Approach

Paper 5: A Survey of Machine Learning-based Process and Fault Monitoring for Additive Manufacturing

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1 - 4: Prepare PPT for conference

Paper 5: Finished Conclusion

This Week Todo's

Paper 1 - 4: Prepare PPT for conference

Paper 5: Plan 2 conference papers based on Journal Paper

Project Progress

3D Printing Monitor

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

Perform Testing

This Week's Project

Prepare Documentation

Monthly Goals

Begin Journal Paper

Submit Conference Paper for International Publication

Annual Goals

Annual goals Submit Journal Paper for International Publication [75%]

Submit International Conference Paper [100%]

Finish 3D Printer Project