

11월 29, 2021 - 12월 5, 2021


Title 3: Adaptive Drone Identification and Neutralization Scheme for Real-Time Military Tactical Operations
Target: ICOIN 2022 and ICT Express
Title 4: Lightweight CNN Model for Detection of Unauthorized UAV in Military Reconnaissance Operations
Target: KICS fall
Title 6: Multi-Drone Detection and Identification System for Real Time Industrial Facility Aerial Surveillance and Safety
Target: Summer Intensive and ICC 2021
Title 7: A Blockchain Assisted Model for Data Trust in Vaccination Verification and Authentication
Target: Journal of Computer Networks
Title8: UAV-Assisted Thermal Line Distribution Inspection using Deep Learning Algorithm
Target: ICAIIC 2022

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title3: (a) Adjusted paper base on review comment and submitted camera-ready version
(b) Modified the journal version to capture details from review comment
(c) Ran expanded simulation to capture more results for performance evaluation
-Title 7: Adjusted paper content to capture new details
-Title 8: Ran simulation
Mentoring session with Session (Rasyid)
-Guided mentee on journal paper write-up based on comments from the conference
-Reviewed related works section and methodology of journal version of paper

This Week Todo's

-Title3: (a) To write the expanded result discussion and performance of journal version
(b) To run plagiarism, check and get reviews from senior colleagues
(c) Submit paper after approval from professor
-Title4: To start expanding journal version of paper
-Title 6: (a) Continue expansion of paper for journal version
-Title7: (a) To write the expanded result discussion and performance of journal version
(b) To run plagiarism, check and get reviews from senior colleagues
(c) Submit paper after approval from professor
Mentoring session with Session (Rasyid)
-To Guide mentee on journal paper write-up (methodology and Result discussion)

Project Progress

Anti-drone detection system

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Continued labelling of robust dataset
-Guided Vivian on Yolov3 and YOLOv5 simulation

This Week's Project

-To continue labelling of robust dataset
-To continue guiding Vivian on simulation

Monthly Goals

-To submit ICOIN, ICC and ICAIIC papers
-To submit the journal version of these papers
-At least review a paper on Machine learning algorithm and IIoT
-Learn how to train ML models using Python
-Improve using latex for complex equations.
-Finish up an article for review and possible submission to a targeted journal.
-Learning use of MATLAB image processing

Annual Goals

-At least Two international journal submissions
-At least Two conference attendance (international and domestic) (both achieved)