

11월 29, 2021 - 12월 5, 2021


Title 2: UAV Assisted Real-Time Detection and Recognition of Citrus Disease in Smart Farm Using Deep Learning (KICS Fall; Journal)

Title 3: Aerial Surveillance and Detection of Drones and Birds; Deploying a Custom CNN model
Target: ICAIIC 2022

Title 4: Tentative Research topic for Winter Intensive

45% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2: (a) Studied related papers
(b) Expanded chapters 1 and 2

Title 3: (a) Gathered datasets for simulations
(b) Completed chapters 2 and 3

Title 4: Reviewed related papers

This Week Todo's

Title 2: (a) Design the system model
(b) Gather more datasets

Title 3: (a) Run simulations for model comparison
(b) Complete and submit paper

Title 4: Begin paper writing

Project Progress

Anti- Drone Detection System

45% Progress
Last Week's Project

i. Trained team’s dataset on YOLOv3 and YOLOV5 models

ii. Labeled more dataset to achieve robust datasets for the team’s project

iii. Continuous study of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

This Week's Project

i. Design a custom model with our datsets

ii. Continue data labeling for the team’s project

iii. Practical hands-on Machine Learning

Monthly Goals

i. Attend a local conference(achieved)

ii. Submit a paper for international conference(achieved)

iii. Acquire in-depth knowledge and usage of Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Annual Goals

i. Submission of at least a journal