

11월 29, 2021 - 12월 5, 2021


Title 01: Smart Factory Floor Safety Monitoring using UWB Sensor.
Journal of Manufacturing System

Title 02: Breathing Rate Monitoring using Ensemble Learning in Smart Factory
KICS Fall Conference 2021

Title 03: Malicious Activity Classification of IoT Network Traffic Characteristics using Deep Learning
ICT Express

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 01:
- Paper is under the review
- Start writing related works and performance evaluation for the thesis
- Taking guidelines from Prof. Lee and modifying writing and simulations

Title 02:
- Attended KICS conference on 17-19 November

Title 03:
- Start reading LSTM Model-based anomaly detection of IoT network traffic

This Week Todo's

Title 01:
- Paper is under the review
- Taking suggestions from Prof. Lee and modifying writing and simulations of thesis paper

Project Progress

Emergency Detection Application for Smart Factory

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Integrating thermal and UWB sensor in Jetson Nano
- Applying Bayesian Optimization on breathing samples

This Week's Project

- Collecting another breathing dataset
- Applying Ensemble learning combination

Monthly Goals

- Learning feature selection and neural network using Matlab
- Finding the solution of emergency using the UWB sensor data samples
- Finishing thesis paper

Annual Goals

- Attend International and Domestic Conference
- Complete a short Journal