

December 6, 2021 - December 12, 2021


Paper 1: Energy Efficient UAV Deployment with Optimized Path-Planning in Post-Disaster Environment' (ICTC Conference 2021 [Presented])

Paper 2: Real-Time Drone Detection Scheme Using Deep Learning from Thermal Sensors Data to Prevent the Threat of UAV to Nuclear Facilities, (Target: IEEE Wireless Communication Letters)

Paper 3: Deep-Block: Blockchain-assisted Energy Efficient UAV Base StationDeployment Using Deep Neural Network (Target: IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology)

Paper 4: Anti-Drone Design Techniques and Technology: A Survey (Target: IEEE Access/ IEEE IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications)

Paper 5: Blockchain Integrated Unauthorized UAV Localization Using Lightweight Convolution Neural Network for Internet of Military Things (Resubmission: IEEE IoT Journal)

Paper 6: Comparative Performance Evaluation of Enhanced-OLSR with Topology-based Routing Protocols for UANET (Submitted to special issue on MDPI Drones)

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 3:
* Worked on the english correction and other errors

Paper 4:
* Continue the survey on drone prevention technique

Paper 6:
* Work on the paper writing
* Correct the paper for final submission

This Week Todo's

Paper 3:
* Submit the paper after finalization of correction

Paper 4:
* Keep writing the Drone prevention technique
* Survey more papers to learn about existing drone prevention technique

Paper 5:
* Start working on the reviewers comment about blockchain implementation for user authentication
* Survey papers for existing solution of data manupulation prevention using blockchain

Project Progress

3D Monitoring Project

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Team meeting
- Worked with YOLOv5
- Labeled dataset

This Week's Project

- Team meeting
- Study more about RPi integration with ML/DL
- YOLOv5

Monthly Goals

1. Learn move about machine learning and deep learning with Python
- Online tutorials
- Re-simulate what I learned

2. Journal
- ICT Express Paper (Finalizing)

Annual Goals

1. Publish two or three conference papers (Domestic and International)
- KICS Summer 2021 ✓
- ICUFN 2021 ✓
- KICS Fall 2021 ✓

2. Publish at least one International Journal
- ICT Express (Finalizing)
- IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics (Pr)