Paper 1: Energy Efficient UAV Deployment with Optimized Path-Planning in Post-Disaster Environment' (ICTC Conference 2021 [Presented])
Paper 2: Real-Time Drone Detection Scheme Using Deep Learning from Thermal Sensors Data to Prevent the Threat of UAV to Nuclear Facilities, (Target: IEEE Wireless Communication Letters)
Paper 3: Deep-Block: Blockchain-assisted Energy Efficient UAV Base StationDeployment Using Deep Neural Network (Target: ICT Express)
Paper 4: Anti-Drone Design Techniques and Technology: A Survey (Target: IEEE Access/ IEEE IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications)
Paper 5: IoMT-Net: Blockchain Integrated Unauthorized UAV Localization Using Lightweight Convolution Neural Network for Internet of Military Things. (Submitted to: IoT Journal) [Revision]
Paper 4:
* Fixed the english correction of the paper
* Chechk again for final submission
Paper 5:
* Start working on the revision of the paper
Paper 5:
* Start working on the siomulation as reviewer 2 asked for more disscussion about the whole network throughput
* Survey papers regarding how user authentication can solve the data maupulation and falsification
* Work on the diagram of detail blockchain transaction flow
Development of UAV routing protocol for civil and military, Anti-drone project
Projec 1:
* Worked on the revision of the submitted paper
Project 2:
* Complete the labelling of drone for the NSL dataset
Project 1:
* Continue the work on rxtension of the paper
Project 2:
* Survey papers for anti-drone system on drone prevention technique
* Continue the paper writing for Anti-Drone survey
1. Finish the simulation of the ICTC extended paper
2. Complete the paper for the ICTC extended version for the journal submission
3. Brainstorm the topic for winter intesive paper and start woprking on it
* Submit at least two Journal in one year
* Attend one International Conference
* Make sure to learn as many simulation tools as possible