

12월 20, 2021 - 12월 26, 2021


Title 1: Thermal-array Sensor-Based Activity Detection in Smart Spaces using AI: A State-of-the-art-Survey
Target: IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (In-Revision).

Title 2:
Ph.D. Thesis (Defended on December 1, 2021)

Others under review with NSL Mentees

Title 3:Basic Safety Messages Authentication System for Connected Vehicles using a Novel Hyper-Tuned Ensemble Algorithm, ICT Express (under review).

Title 4: SCADA Network Vulnerability Detection and Characterization using Efficient Hybrid Deep Learning Scheme. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (Under Review).

Title 5: A Review of Key Wearable Device Technologies Parameters for Innovative Healthcare Delivery in B5G Network", IEEE Access (In -Revision).

Title 6: Secured Framework for Safety Messages Verification in Vehicular Networks using Machine Learning", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (Under Review).

Title 7: Intelligent and Near-Real-Time Architecture for Smart Card Fraud Detection in a 5G+ Network Environment”, ICT Express (In Revision).

91% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
1. In-Revision
2. To wait for Ph.D. thesis re-submission.

Title 2:
1. Complete and respond to all corrections from the defense.
2. Submit preliminary pages to the university before December 17, 2021

Title 3:
1. Under review
Title 4:
1. Under review
Title 5:
1. In-Revision
Title 6:
1. Under review
Title 7:
1. In-Revision

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
1. In-Revision
2. To wait for Ph.D. thesis re-submission.

Title 2:
1. Complete and respond to all corrections from the defense.
2. Secure signatures from professors before December 30, 2021

Title 3:
1. Under review
Title 4:
1. Under review
Title 5:
1. In-Revision
Title 6:
1. Under review
Title 7:
1. In-Revision

Project Progress

IoT Applications and NSL International Conference/Journal Section

85% Progress
Last Week's Project

Team Leader
1. Keep working with Philip and Mentors to guide all newcomers on NSL activities.
2. Continue to monitor and update 2021 Summer intensive paper titles.
3. Prepare and update schedule for 2022 Winter Intensive.

Project: IoT Applications for Smart Home (Project Leader)

1. Conclude the handing over process to the new project leader.
2. To inspire the project members to write a journal on the existing results.
3. Commence a new journal paper based on the thesis results.

NSL Activities: International Journals and Conference Section on NSL Website

1. keep sending messages to all Lab members who did not update their sections and personal profile.
2. Monitoring status of NSL members on international Conferences/Journals and reporting accordingly to team managers
3. Help to ensure accurate data on research gate for members and professor page
4. Assist all NSL members in the proper submission of their papers

This Week's Project

Team Leader
1. Keep working with Philip and Mentors to guide all newcomers on NSL activities.
2. Continue to monitor and update 2021 Summer intensive paper titles.
3. Prepare and update schedule for 2022 Winter Intensive.

Project: IoT Applications for Smart Home (Project Leader)

1. Conclude the handing over process to the new project leader.
2. To inspire the project members to write a journal on the existing results.
3. Commence a new journal paper based on the thesis results.

NSL Activities: International Journals and Conference Section on NSL Website

1. keep sending messages to all Lab members who did not update their sections and personal profile.
2. Monitoring status of NSL members on international Conferences/Journals and reporting accordingly to team managers
3. Help to ensure accurate data on research gate for members and professor page
4. Assist all NSL members in the proper submission of their papers

Monthly Goals

1. Complete my Ph.D. thesis and submit the final version. (Deadline: 2021.12.30)
2. Help all laboratory members to submit and resubmit all outstanding papers.
3. Ensure effective monitoring of Winter Intensive

Annual Goals

1. Attend or submit at least one International Conference: ICAIIC 2021 (Done), ICOIN 2021 (Done), ETFA 2021 (Done), ICUFN 2021 (Done), ICTC 2021(Done).
2. Attend or submit to all domestic conferences approved by the NSL: KICS Winter 2021 (Done), JCCI 2021, (done), KICS Summer 2021 (done), KICS Fall 2021 (done)
3. Publish or submit at least three International Journal papers/Letters (100% Done)
4. Defend and submit the final version of my Ph.D. thesis (December 1, 2021, and December 17, 2021) (80% Done)